Join the movement!

By becoming a dues-paying member, you are funding the core team and tools that it takes to build a grassroots movement capable of solving the housing shortage.

At any level of giving, membership is activism. Your activism may be as simple as contributing membership dues or as involved as becoming an organizer or a volunteer lead. We make activism easy through our national network and the YIMBY Slack, our vibrant members-only online community.

We welcome members of all income levels. If paying dues is a hardship, we offer volunteer membership If you are able to contribute financially, we encourage you to donate generously at your highest level of ability, as we depend on membership dues to keep up the fight for housing. 

The housing shortage is today’s biggest driver of economic inequality, poverty, homelessness, and climate change. Your membership dues and volunteered time are an investment that lowers the cost of living for everyone—one of the best investments you can make!

If membership isn’t for you, make a one-time donation instead.